Koi Passage work in progress almost finished

Koi passage


Here it is with out it being angled back on the table easel.  I do paint this stage on an easel its actually easier because I on’t have to lean over a table. I paint standing which really helps me with my freedom of movement and I’m always stepping back to take a better look at it from a distance.  I also will hang it upside down and look at it for at least a day. This gives me a fresh perspective and helps define the big shapes for me.  iIalso use a piece of red acrylic to check the light passages the values. I have an earlier post showing how a painting looks thru a piece of red acrylic and how to utilize the tool to assist  an artist in determining the light and dark areas.

5 thoughts on “Koi Passage work in progress almost finished

  1. Thank you so much for posting your work and for including such detail and instruction! This is seriously one of the most exciting internet finds I’ve had in months! I am so excited to try this technique! Keep up the good work, I will be checking back regularly.

  2. this is truly an amazing piece….amazing.

    I love the colors, the movement, the depth and it makes me feel like I am just missing seeing something….a swish, a turn, a flip… i love it.

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